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How to improve the steps of using the technology archive box?

2020-07-25 09:04:19

Steps to improve the quality of the technology archive box in daily life:

1. Analyze the current situation and find out the quality problems existing in the file box. First of all, we must start with the preparation of official documents. All departments and staff must constantly and consciously establish file quality awareness and find problems.

2. Analyze the main reasons for file quality problems.

3. Find out various factors that affect the quality of archives.

4. In view of the main factors affecting the quality of archives, propose improvement plans and formulate implementation measures to solve the problems.

5. Organize and implement measures or plans to solve and improve the quality of archives.

6. The science and technology archive box is compared with the plan and target, and the effect after the measures is checked.

7. Summarize experience, consolidate achievements, absorb successful experience and failure lessons into corresponding systems and regulations to prevent similar problems from happening again.

8. Regarding the problems found in the inspection, whether they are leftovers or new ones, start from the first step to make a new round of improvements and continue to solve them.


